
Pakistan coach Gary Kirsten has put the team’s defeat down to poor decision-making, after they had “the game for 35 of 40 overs”, while Jasprit Bumrah commended the calmness shown by India’s bowling unit even though the conditions eased out for batting. “Disappointing loss, that’s for sure,” Kirsten said. “I knew 120 was not going
USA, playing at home, in a World Cup, came up with the goods again, and this time they took down Pakistan, a much more fancied cricket nation and in fine style too. They were cruising, at first, in a chase of 160. But then the tide turned. All of a sudden they needed five to
टी20 विश्व कप में गुरूवार को ग्रुप ए के अहम मैच में सह मेज़बान संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका (USA) का सामना पाकिस्‍तान की टीम के साथ होगा। डैलस के ग्रैंड प्रीयरी स्टेडियम में खेले जाने वाला यह मुक़ाबला भारतीय टीम के नज़रिए से भी अहम होगा क्‍योंकि भारतीय टीम भी ग्रुप ए में ही काबिज है।