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In the gentleman’s sport of cricket, it would not be complete without the humble man in a white coat and hat, watching over the game. In fact, there are two on each end of the pitch- this helps to get a greater scope of what is going on. Thanks to new technology a third umpire
Cricket and the world As the second most-watched sport after football. Cricket is enjoyed all over the world. The old British sport that spread its wings all over the commonwealth, introducing cricket throughout the world. It grew to be a popular sport in South Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe. Cricket has expanded over the last
Sport unites people of races, creeds, and colours. It raises the competitiveness among players from different countries and is great to watch. All this but yet we still witness, now and again, unethical incidents that shake the world and cause uproars and controversies among nations and fans. Cricket is well-known as a gentleman’s game. However,